Have you ever heard the term “Sliding Windows”? Wondering why it’s called windows and why they slide? Let’s find out!
A Simple Example
Suppose we have a large array nums and want to find the sum of the first 10 elements — indices 0 to 9. Think of this subarray as window 1. A window is just a subarray we’re interested in:
sum_of_window1=0foriinrange(0,10):sum_of_window1+=nums[i]print("Sum of window 1:",sum_of_window1)
Now we’re curious about the next window, the subarray from indices 1 to 10 (2nd to 11th elements). We’re moving — or sliding — the window by one element to the right. We could recalculate its sum:
sum_of_window2=0foriinrange(1,11):sum_of_window2+=nums[i]print("Sum of window 2:",sum_of_window2)
But this repeats a lot of work. Notice that window 2 differs from window 1 by just two elements:
nums[0] is no longer included,
nums[10] is newly included.
Instead of looping again, we can update in constant time by subtracting the old element and adding the new one:
sum_of_window2=sum_of_window1-nums[0]+nums[10]print("Sum of window 2:",sum_of_window2)
With just one subtraction and one addition, we reuse the previous window’s sum rather than recomputing from scratch. That’s the core of the sliding window approach — taking advantage of what we already know to avoid extra work.
Why Does This Matter?
If we need the sums of the first 100 windows (each of size 10), we can do:
# Calculate the sum of the first window
sum_of_window=0foriinrange(0,10):sum_of_window+=nums[i]print("Sum of window 1:",sum_of_window)# Calculate sums of subsequent windows
forwindow_indexinrange(1,100):sum_of_window=sum_of_window-nums[window_index-1]+nums[window_index+9]print("Sum of window",window_index+1,":",sum_of_window)
Compare this to recalculating each window from scratch:
forwindow_indexinrange(1,100):sum_of_window=0foriinrange(window_index,window_index+10):sum_of_window+=nums[i]print("Sum of window",window_index+1,":",sum_of_window)
You save a lot of time by avoiding an extra loop that runs k times (k = window size) for every shift of the window. Instead, you do just two operations per shift.
The essence of the Sliding Windows technique:
Find and maintain a subarray (window) of a specific size or condition.
Slide the window to the next position by removing the old element(s) and adding the new element(s). Recompute in O(1) or O(log(k)) time rather than O(k) each time.
Use this approach wherever a rolling or continuous data segment is involved—sums, averages, min/max values, counts of distinct elements, and more.
Practice using sliding windows in the task below.
The Flow of Qi
In the meditation hall, the apprentices must learn to sense the flow of Qi, an invisible energy that moves continuously through the temple. Each moment, a different strength of Qi is felt, recorded as a series of numbers.
Master Qu has set a challenge: Find the most powerful surge of Qi over any K consecutive moments.
Your task is to write a function that, given an array of Qi readings and a number K, finds the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray of size K.
Example Input 1:
Example Output 1:
Explanation: The highest Qi surge across 3 consecutive moments is 5 + 1 + 3 = 9.
To solve this efficiently:
Use the Sliding Window Technique:
Instead of recalculating the sum for every possible K-sized section, maintain a running sum for the current selection.
When moving to the next section, subtract the first Qi reading of the previous window and add the next one.
Steps to Implement:
Compute the sum of the first K readings (initial window).
Slide the window one step at a time, adjusting the sum dynamically.
Keep track of the maximum sum found.
This approach runs in O(n) time, far better than a brute-force approach that checks all possible subarrays.
The Flow of Qi
Fixed-Size vs Dynamic Sliding Windows
The fixed-size sliding window is a straightforward application, but often we encounter problems where the window size isn’t fixed but is determined by problem constraints. A classic example is finding the smallest subarray with a sum greater than or equal to a given target.
Multiple subarrays of different sizes meet the condition (e.g., [5, 2], [2, 3, 2]), but we seek the smallest one. A brute-force approach checks all subarrays, taking O(n^2) time—impractical for large arrays.
Dynamic Sliding Window Approach
Instead, let's use a dynamic sliding window in O(n) time. We will use two pointers, left and right, to manage the window’s boundaries, and move through subarrays akin to caterpillars crawling forward.
Expand & Shrink Strategy
Expand by moving right to the right until current_sum meets or exceeds target.
Shrink from the left by incrementing left while maintaining the sum condition, tracking the smallest subarray length found.
Once current_sum is less than target, we can expand again to the right.
left=0current_sum=0min_length=float('inf')forrightinrange(len(nums)):current_sum+=nums[right]# Shrink the window while current_sum >= target
whilecurrent_sum>=target:min_length=min(min_length,right-left+1)current_sum-=nums[left]left+=1ifmin_length==float('inf'):print("No subarray found.")else:print("Smallest subarray length:",min_length)
Even though there are nested loops, the time complexity of this approach is O(n), because left and right pointers move through the array only once. The space complexity is O(1), because we are only using a few variables to track the state of the window.
We can summarize the dynamic sliding window approach as follows:
Two Pointers (Left & Right):
Right pointer extends the window.
Left pointer shrinks the window when a condition is exceeded or met.
Condition Checks:
Could be a sum threshold, a character frequency limit, etc.
Move the left pointer whenever the condition is violated or satisfied (depending on problem needs).
Track Answer:
Continuously update the result (e.g., the shortest window that meets a sum, or the longest window of unique chars).
Practice using dynamic sliding windows with the task below to master this powerful technique.
The Candlelight Vigil
At the Faangshui Temple, the apprentices perform a nightly candlelight meditation, where they light a series of candles, one after another, to maintain a perfect balance of illumination. However, too much light disrupts the meditative state, so the total brightness must never exceed a certain limit.
Your task is to find the longest sequence of consecutive candles that can be lit without exceeding the brightness limit max_brightness.
Write a function that, given an array of candle brightness levels and a maximum brightness max_brightness, finds the longest contiguous sequence that stays within the limit. The brightness values are non-negative integers.
Example Input:
Example Output:
Explanation: The longest valid sequence is [2, 3, 1] (sum = 7, length = 4).
To efficiently solve this:
Use the Sliding Window Technique:
Expand the window by lighting more candles. Keep track of the current sum of brightness.
Update the maximum length if the current window is valid and longer than the previous maximum.
If the total brightness exceeds max_brightness, extinguish candles from the start until it's within limits.
Expand the window again.
This approach runs in O(n) time by iterating through the list once.
The Candlelight Vigil
Frequency-Based Sliding Windows
So far, we’ve looked at summation-based sliding windows, where the state of the window is tracked by a single variable (the sum). Another common pattern is frequency-based sliding windows, where we track how many times each element (or character) appears in the window. Some examples include:
Finding the longest substring with unique characters.
Locating subarrays that have at most k distinct elements.
Solving anagrams or frequency-based search problems.
Let's start with a classic example of finding the longest substring with unique characters.
Task: given a string, find the length of the longest substring in which all characters are unique.
For example, given the string "faangfaang", the longest substring with unique characters is "angf", which has a length of 4.
We can solve this with a dynamic sliding window and a set to keep track of the characters in the window. Often you would use a hash map to keep track of the frequency of each character in the window, but in this problem, we only need to know if a character is in the window or not. The general approach is:
"Expand" - move the right pointer and add the character to the set.
"Shrink" - if the character is already in the set, move the left pointer to the right until the character is no longer in the set.
At any moment, after the "Shrink" step, the set will contain only unique characters.
When expanding, update the maximum length of the substring with unique characters.
deflongest_unique_substring(s):char_set=set()left=0max_len=0forrightinrange(len(s)):# If the character at 'right' is already in our set,
# remove chars from the left until it's safe to add the new one
whiles[right]inchar_set:char_set.remove(s[left])left+=1# Add the new character and update max_len
char_set.add(s[right])max_len=max(max_len,right-left+1)returnmax_len# Example usage
s="abcabcbb"print(longest_unique_substring(s))# Output: 3 (e.g., "abc")
Frequency-based sliding windows let you handle frequency constraints within a subarray or substring. Notice that similar to summation-based sliding windows, frequency-based sliding windows performs the updates of the state of the window in O(1) time.
Practice using frequency-based sliding windows with the task below.
The Calligraphy Contest
The apprentices of the Faangshui Temple are preparing for the annual Calligraphy Contest, where they must write elegant scrolls with only two different brushstrokes.
Each apprentice tries different writing styles, but some of their scrolls contain too many variations. The goal is to find the longest continuous section of a scroll that contains at most two distinct brushstrokes.
Your task is to write a function that, given a string representing an apprentice’s scroll, finds the length of the longest contiguous substring that contains at most two distinct characters.
Example Input:
Example Output:
The longest substring with at most two distinct characters is "bebebe", which has a length of 6.
To efficiently solve this:
Use the Sliding Window Technique:
Expand the window by adding brushstrokes until the section contains more than two distinct strokes.
Keep track of character frequencies in the current window by using a hash map (or dictionary).
If the number of distinct characters exceeds two, shrink the window from the left until only two strokes remain.
Keep track of the longest valid section encountered.
Use a HashMap (or Dictionary):
Store character frequencies in the current window.
Update the count of characters when the window is expanded or shrunk.
This approach runs in O(n) time, processing each character at most twice.
The Calligraphy Contest
Anagram-Based Sliding Windows
A common variation of frequency-based sliding windows is identifying anagrams of a given string within another string.
Task: Given two strings s1 and s2, determine if s2 contains any substring that’s an anagram (i.e., permutation) of s1. In other words, does a window in s2 have exactly the same character frequencies as s1?
For example, given s1 = "ab" and s2 = "eidbaooo", the output is True because s2 contains the substring "ba", which is an anagram of s1.
The key differences from earlier examples are:
We’re comparing frequency maps (or arrays) for s1 and for each window in s2.
The window size is fixed to len(s1).
Checking if two frequency arrays match is not a single operation, but it's effectively O(1) if you have a fixed character set (e.g., 26 lowercase letters).
Here's the step-by-step approach:
Compute Character Frequency for s1:
Use an array or dictionary freq_s1 to store how many times each character appears.
Initialize a Window in s2:
The window size is len(s1).
Compute a similar frequency array/dict freq_s2 for the first len(s1) characters in s2.
Check Frequencies:
If freq_s2 == freq_s1, return True.
Slide the Window:
For each subsequent index in s2, remove the character going out of the window from freq_s2 and add the new character coming into the window.
Compare freq_s2 to freq_s1 again. If they match at any point, return True.
No Match Found:
If you slide the entire length of s2 without finding a matching frequency map, return False.
defcheck_inclusion(s1,s2):iflen(s1)>len(s2):returnFalse# Frequency array for s1 and current window in s2
freq_s1=[0]*26freq_s2=[0]*26defchar_to_index(c):returnord(c)-ord('a')# Build freq_s1 and initial freq_s2 window
foriinrange(len(s1)):freq_s1[char_to_index(s1[i])]+=1freq_s2[char_to_index(s2[i])]+=1# If the first window already matches, return True
iffreq_s2==freq_s1:returnTrue# Slide the window over s2
forrightinrange(len(s1),len(s2)):# Character going out (left side)
left_char_idx=char_to_index(s2[right-len(s1)])freq_s2[left_char_idx]-=1# Character coming in (right side)
right_char_idx=char_to_index(s2[right])freq_s2[right_char_idx]+=1# Check if we match s1's frequencies
iffreq_s2==freq_s1:returnTruereturnFalse# Example usage:
s1="ab"s2="eidbaooo"print(check_inclusion(s1,s2))# Output: True (s2 contains "ba")
Practice using anagram-based sliding windows with the task below.
The Missing Scroll Passage
Deep in the Faangshui Temple’s Archive, a crucial ancient scroll has been damaged. Some of its characters are still legible, but Master Archivist Quan has tasked the apprentices with recovering the smallest section of the scroll that contains every required character at least once.
Your mission: Find the shortest contiguous substring of the scroll that contains all the required characters, including duplicates. If no such section exists, return an empty string "".
Example Input:
Example Output:
Explanation: The shortest valid section that contains 'A', 'B', and 'C' is "BANC".
To efficiently find the minimum window:
Use the Sliding Window Technique:
Expand the window until all required characters (including duplicates) are covered.
Then, try shrinking the window from the left while still keeping all required characters.
Track the smallest valid window found.
Use a HashMap (or Dictionary):
Store character counts of required to track missing characters.
Another hash keeps track of how many characters are currently in the window.
This approach runs in O(m + n) time, where m is the length of scroll and n is the length of required.
The Missing Scroll Passage
Min/Max Sliding Window
Beyond sums and character frequencies, sliding windows can also help you quickly find the minimum or maximum element in each window as it slides across an array. This is particularly handy for things like real-time streaming data, temperature logs, or any scenario where you want the max/min of a rolling window.
Here's how the task is described:
Task: Given an array nums and a window size k, determine the maximum value within each window of size k as the window slides from left to right.
For example:
Here’s how the windows progress:
[1,3,-1] → max is 3
[3,-1,-3] → max is 3
[-1,-3,5] → max is 5
[-3,5,3] → max is 5
[5,3,6] → max is 6
[3,6,7] → max is 7
Naively, you’d recalculate the max in each window by scanning all k elements in O(k) per window, leading to O(n*k) overall. If k is large and n is huge, that’s painful. Instead, we use a data structure to update or remove elements in O(1) time, typically a deque (double-ended queue). You can also use a heap, but that’s O(log n) per operation, which is slower.
Deque-Based Method
Store Indices (Not Values)
The deque holds indices of array elements. This helps you remove elements that slide out of the window’s range.
Monotonic Queue
You maintain the deque in a way that indices at the front always represent the largest element (for maximum).
When you insert a new element nums[i], you pop from the back while nums[i] is greater than or equal to nums[deque[-1]].
This preserves a descending order of elements in the deque (for maximum windows).
Drop Expired Indices
If the front index of the deque is out of the current window range (i.e., front_index < i - k + 1), pop it from the front.
Front of Deque = Window’s Max
At each step where the window fully forms, nums[deque[0]] is the maximum.
fromcollectionsimportdequedefmax_sliding_window(nums,k):ifnotnumsork==0:return[]dq=deque()# Will store indices
result=[]foriinrange(len(nums)):# Remove indices out of the current window
whiledqanddq[0]<i-k+1:dq.popleft()# Remove elements smaller than current from the back
whiledqandnums[dq[-1]]<=nums[i]:dq.pop()# Add the current index
dq.append(i)# Once the first window is fully formed, record the max
ifi>=k-1:result.append(nums[dq[0]])# The front index is the max
returnresult# Example usage:
nums=[1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7]k=3print(max_sliding_window(nums,k))# [3,3,5,5,6,7]
It's important to note:
dq keeps indices, not values.
We pop from the front if the index is out of the current window.
We pop from the back if the new element is bigger or equal, ensuring we maintain a descending order for maximum.
Time Complexity:
Each index enters and exits the deque once, so total time is O(n).
Each window’s maximum is retrieved in O(1) time.
Try adapting this approach to find the minimum in a sliding window in the task below.
The Chilling Draft
The apprentices of Faangshui Temple gather in the great Meditation Hall to train their focus. However, the hall has a series of open windows, and each window lets in a different amount of chilling mountain air.
Master Hashi, ever mindful of comfort, wants to find the coldest spot within each section of the hall as the wind flows through different windows.
Your task: Given an array of temperatures (temps) representing the chill levels at each window and a window size (k), find the minimum chill level within each sliding window as it moves from left to right.
Example Input:
Example Output:
The first window [3, 1, 4] → min = 1
The second window [1, 4, 1] → min = 1
The third window [4, 1, 5] → min = 1
The fourth window [1, 5, 9] → min = 1
The fifth window [5, 9, 2] → min = 2
The sixth window [9, 2, 6] → min = 2
The seventh window [2, 6, 5] → min = 2
To solve this problem efficiently:
Use a Deque (Double-ended Queue):
Maintain a monotonic deque storing indices of elements in the window.
Keep elements in increasing order so the minimum is always at the front.
Sliding Window Logic:
Remove elements from the front if they fall out of the window’s range.
Remove elements from the back if they are larger than the new element (they won’t be the min anymore).
This approach runs in O(n) time, much faster than recalculating the minimum for each window separately.